Who we are. What we do.
BCTGM Local Union No. 1 represents workers in various fields that range from confectionery companies to bakeries, all around the Chicagoland area, Central Illinois, Iowa and Indiana. BCTGM Local 1 has a long and proud history of working for the rights of workers and ensuring that they have a voice in the workplace. We also have a great record of providing outstanding representation and expertise in achieving strong contracts. BCTGM Local 1 will stand by you and will only act in your best interests; for the betterment of your working conditions.
As a Union, we will negotiate and enforce your contract in order to provide you and your Co-workers a better work environment. We settle your grievances if problems arise between you and your employer. We organize Company’s who do not have a Union and inform them of their rights. We participate on all levels of the political process and give our members job protection. We keep you informed and regularly hold shops meeting to keep you up to date about any and all changes that you may face.
The BCTGM represents more than 120,000 working men and women in US and Canada.
The primary goal of the BCTGM has not changed over the years: To bring economic justice in the workplace to all workers in our jurisdiction and social justice to all workers throughout the United States and Canada.
The office of Local 1 representation consists of:
- Donald Woods, President since 2008
- Beth Zavala Recording, Financial Secretary/ Treasurer/BA
- and Rochelle Ross, Recording Secretary/BA
Statement of Purpose
As defined by the BCTGM International Constitution, Article 1, Section 2: ” The purpose of the International Union shall be to promote the material, intellectual and general welfare of all workers in the baking, confectionery, tobacco, grain milling and kindred industries by (1) organizational action; (2)education and enlightenment; (3) continuous striving to improve wage Standards, retirement and similar benefits and other conditions of employment; to reduce the hours of labor and to abolish such economic evils as may prevail or persist in these industries; (4) assistance in securing and retaining employment; (5) well-planned and effectively executed activity in the breaches and agencies of government, including activity related to proposed state or federal legislation affecting these workers and the labor movement; (6) alliance with other labor organization within the AFL-CIO or CLC in matters of common concern.
History of the Union
The Bakery and Confectionery Workers International Union of America, one of the pioneers of The North American labor movement, was organized in 1886. In 1957, the American Bakery and Confectionery Workers’ International Union was formed. In 1969, the two organizations united. The Tobacco Worker International Union was founded in 1895 and was also in the forefront of the labor movement. As it and the Bakery and Confectionery Workers ‘International Union of America shared many common goals, both organizations came to realize that those goals could Best be achieved through a merger. That merger, creating the BC&T, took place in 1978.
The American Federation of Grain Millers also has roots stemming back to the 1800’s. In 1936, The National Council of Grain Processors was formed when federal grain milling union agree to unite as a national union under the AFL. In 1941, the council was renamed the American Federation of Grain Processors and in 1948 was granted an international charter as the AFGM. Shared goal and industries caused the January 1, 1999 merger between the BC&T and AFGM, resulting in the BCTGM.
Merger Agreement into Local # 1: 1A- ABC change to 1BC June 1973
- Local # 2 Merger in December 19, 1996
- Local # 552 Merger in June 1999
- Local # 316 Merger in May 8, 2001
- Local # 399G Merger in April 1, 2004
- Local # 207 Merger in June 14, 2004
- Local # 343G Merger in Feburary 14, 2008
Local 1 is a unification of the above Locals. This is our empowerment of Unity, Strenth and Diversity.